Transcending Race: But Not The 24″ Waist September 2016 Details
Can Art Change the World? The Women and Money Project
The social practice art work called Transcending Race: But Not The 24″ Waist explores the challenges faced by 60 something women as they were ” allowed” to enter the workforce in their 20s. Although women have made great strides in many areas – including race and gender equity- the body ideal is still a 24” waist. Transcending appeared at The Minnesota Women’s Caucus for Art Women and Money Project exhibition opening on September 9, 2016 – a collaboration with the Katherine E. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota http://thewomenandmoneyproject.org/exhibition-artists/
The term ” Wonder Women, ” emerged about 15 years ago. This term was used to describe how the then 50 something women had been “allowed” to work outside the home as long as they continued to cover the family maintenance: childcare, shopping, cooking and cleaning. They truly were “Wonder Women”. It worked for everyone until they reached the half century mark and started asking for help. This was not well received. THEN we started reading articles about how aggressive those baby boomer women were in their menopausal years. Darn right they were grouchy…they were exhausted from decades of working two jobs!
My life size assemblage art work called Transcending Race: But Not The 24″ Waist, with a supporting empirical research study, is an homage and a critique of the DC comic character (owned by Time Warner) Wonder Woman. William Moulton Marston created Wonder Woman in 1941 and has a fascinating personal history which includes plural marriage and inventing the lie detector. He gave Wonder Woman a lasso of truth (ironic?) which caught my attention because in my human relations course, required for Minnesota teacher licensure, I teach there is NO ONE TRUTH. I believe most human conflict emerges from the fact that most people believe that THEIR truth is THE truth. In my style of social practice art – the social action is an attempt to lead the viewer to meta-cognition (thinking about their own thinking). Read more about embracing cognitive dissonance: http://bridgescreate.com/3826-2/
Transcending Race: But Not The 24″ Waist
24”W X 38” H X 4 “ D Mixed Media: Empirical study results, clay fabrication self-mask, manikin, fabric, beads and found objects
Transcending features very tired eyes in a clay mask of the artist’s face, a Frida Kalo uni-brow, breasts in a cage and a lasso of NO ONE TRUTH. The study results are incorporated in her body. She has no arms to symbolize the difficulty of her responsibilities. Think of the power of the armless Venus of Willendorf. She wears a princess crown which embraces the multiple worldviews of the Empirical, Interpretive and Critical Theory (Read more: http://bridgescreate.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/ParadigmWorldview-Notes.html) and a 50’s style apron finished with clothespin lace. Apron pockets are exhibition ready to receive more answers to the study question, “As a woman, what is an important life decision you have made influenced by money? “ making the work interactive. Read More: http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/transcending-race/ To participate in the study : http://bridgescreate.com/women-and-money/
Women’s Press Article . Outcomes September 11, 2016
Join the Woman and Money Project Dialogue – Income/Outcome
September 11, 2016 from 3:00-6:00 at The Katherine B. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota, 405 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Income/Outcome: A Dialogue For Social Change. This is not a panel.
An interactive conference where the attendees will explore their old money, gender and race constructs, change perspectives on their worth and design strategies to act on their newly defined values. The attendees will take away tools to negotiate and identify their power. In the process they will change their: Income/Outcome
Interactive Discussion Topics:
1. Race and Gender Power: Perception and Reality. Facilitator: Carolina Borja. http://www.carolinaborjastudio.com
2. What’s Your Street Value? Know your worth: how the story you tell yourself matters. Facilitator: Kristi Hemmer http://www.puttingwomeninpower.com/#awe
3. Art As Social Change: Is it All About The Money? Facilitator: Barbara Rogers Bridges
Details and to register: http://bridgescreate.com/women-and-money-planning-committee/
This event is sponsored by the Minnesota Women’s Caucus for Art and The Katherine B. Nash Gallery at the University of Minnesota. http://thewomenandmoneyproject.org/