Inspirations… Motivations…Ruminations…


I loved Kerry Freedman’s quote:
“We need to rethink and redefine what creativity is in art education… we need to focus on the package.” – Cathy Wilson
You can’t give what you ain’t got – take care of yourself! – Madelynne I am motivated by my colleagues’ ENERGY! – Barbara Rethink creativity, concepts and skills: writing, speaking & drawing as a package.
Cheryl Ray Education needs to focus on not what to think, but how to think, – Jason Blair Creative Package: Creative teaching is teaching for meaning emphasizing concepts as well as skills of expressive production, writing, speaking and art meaning. Tie up in a bow of enthusiasm and passion. – Penny Veuolo “Communication is a receiver-based phenomenon.” (Dr. Matthew Niedner) Listen/know your audience – Madelynne Engle Thank you for a wonderful visit, ideas, discussion and sharing! Leadership is a challenge, creativity is a blessing!” – Sandy Brennan Keep your work clean. Get yourself dirty. – Engle Be a troublemaker any chance you get.
Melissa Conyngham Loved Kerry’s quote of Andy Garcia’s quote:
“You have to be willing to fall; you just have to make sure you fall forward.” As I often take two steps back in situations, I have to remember to take big leaps forward in order to move along. – Kelly The enemy of good is better. – Engle I AM a troublemaker. It’s a lonely job, but it generally works. – Bill Crist

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