Route 1 is a highway which runs from Key West, Florida to Fort Kent, Maine. Anyone who grew up, has lived on and even simply visited the famous towns along the highway understand, and can often articulate the mystique and power this roadway holds for all who travel along the twists and turns and visit Conch Key, Miami, Rockingham, Beaufort, Virginia Beach, Boston, Portsmouth or Sandy Point. We call ourselves the Salt People and we care deeply about what happens to our water. Recently, in Maine, the fishermen/ women have lost their shrimping industry. No more Maine shrimp.
Inspired by Robert Kramer’s 1987 Route 1 USA four hour epic documentary, I am re-visiting the locations he discovered and finding out what is happening in our Route 1 water almost 30 years later. Click Title For More Information.
I am asking the people I meet two questions:
The sculptures are from objects I find in the water. I ask people at different sites along Route 1 two questions:
- What is the worst thing you ever found in the water? I chronologue these stories with text and images.
- Will we still be eating water creatures in 2050? Identify.
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