
“Bill’s Globe.”


Barbara’s Nametag Deconstruction


You can take the girl out of Maine but you can’t take Maine out of Barbara. Sea bugs are the sustenance of Maine and Maine is the sustenance of Barbara.

Cheryl’s Metaphor Name Tag Deconstruction:

My name tag was the result of the available materials rather than a planned idea followed to completion. I began with the silk flower then and used water colors and some rubber stamps to print a flower and some leaves. I continued to use the water colors to paint some scraps of heavy paper in my favorite colors. I glued the dry flower and leaves to the paper that I painted and then begged a bee pin from Lisa. I was reminded of one of my favorite poems from Edgar Lee Master’s Spoon River Anthology where he says: I would that I had thrust my hands of flesh Into the disk-flowers bee infested, Into the mirror-like core of fire Of the light of life, the sun of delight. I first read this poem the summer that I was 18 and I knew that I would take the risks implied here to enjoy this journey as much as possible. I guess my metaphor is to enjoy life and what ever comes your way; paint it with bright colors and don’t be afraid to take risks. I liked the idea of creating metaphors of oneself so much that I assigned this idea to my drawing and painting 1&2 students as the cover for their drawing books. I know that I live & teach in a very rural part of Connecticut but I have yet to understand what a cow has to say about one of my students!

Inspirations… Motivations…Ruminations…


I loved Kerry Freedman’s quote:
“We need to rethink and redefine what creativity is in art education… we need to focus on the package.” – Cathy Wilson
You can’t give what you ain’t got – take care of yourself! – Madelynne I am motivated by my colleagues’ ENERGY! – Barbara Rethink creativity, concepts and skills: writing, speaking & drawing as a package.
Cheryl Ray Education needs to focus on not what to think, but how to think, – Jason Blair Creative Package: Creative teaching is teaching for meaning emphasizing concepts as well as skills of expressive production, writing, speaking and art meaning. Tie up in a bow of enthusiasm and passion. – Penny Veuolo “Communication is a receiver-based phenomenon.” (Dr. Matthew Niedner) Listen/know your audience – Madelynne Engle Thank you for a wonderful visit, ideas, discussion and sharing! Leadership is a challenge, creativity is a blessing!” – Sandy Brennan Keep your work clean. Get yourself dirty. – Engle Be a troublemaker any chance you get.
Melissa Conyngham Loved Kerry’s quote of Andy Garcia’s quote:
“You have to be willing to fall; you just have to make sure you fall forward.” As I often take two steps back in situations, I have to remember to take big leaps forward in order to move along. – Kelly The enemy of good is better. – Engle I AM a troublemaker. It’s a lonely job, but it generally works. – Bill Crist

Special Guests


Paul F. chats with Laurie Hicks

Argy and Shalimar chat on the deck.

The Lorilies sing sea shanty songs

Argy and Shalimar listen to a fellow presenter.

Susan Potters stops by to join us.

Leadership Talks

Cheryl entertains Cathy, Melissa & Kelly with her brilliance.

Penny and Madelyne Engle talk about the FLOW.

Danette shares with Pat Stuhr.

Jason smiles for the camera.

Being the head guy on the planet can be a serious responsibility!
Mary Ann leads the leadership discussion.
Shalimar shows flip chart art.

Pictures From Fellows Institute

National Art Educators Fellows Institute

Fellows Institute

The NAEA Distinguished Fellows Leadership Institute:
Creating Change: Leadership Strategies in Art Education convened on July 18-25, 2008

The Workshop Leaders
Distinguished Fellows and Speakers:
Doug Boughton, PhD Past-President, International Society for Education Through Art, Professor, Author,
Acting Director-School of Art, Northern Illinois University

Kerry Freedman, PhD NAEA Higher Educator of the Year, Past-Editor, Studies in Art Education, Professor, Author
School of Art, Northern Illinois University

Mary Ann Stankiewicz, PhD NAEA President (2003-2005), Professor, Author – School of Visual Arts, The Pennsylvania State University

Laurie E. Hicks, PhD Founder/Editor The Journal of Gender Issues in Art and Education, Professor, Printer/Photographer
Department of Art, University Of Maine

Pat Stuhr, PhD Department Chair, Leadership Specialist, Author – Department of Art Education, The Ohio State University

Barbara R. Bridges, PhD Minnesota Higher Art Educator of the Year, online curriculum designer, sculptor – Bemidji State University

Madelynne Engle Conceptual Sculptor; US Embassy, Hilton Collection, Monsanto, E F Hutton, Bank of America; San Diego, California

The theme of the Institute was Leadership. Goals:
1. Learning about the historical and cultural contexts of leadership in art education
2. Empowering the participants as leaders who act as catalysts for curriculum change.
3. Enabling a free-flowing, dynamic dialogue among speakers and participants.
4. Designing leadership workshops in participants’ local regions.

Barbara created a virtual community online and the participants reviewed selected readings, built community, and began to work on leadership development BEFORE they met. Each day of the Institute was spent with one or more of the speakers who helped develop strategies for leadership. The Virtual Community continues to communicate and share leadership stories and plan for the NAEA Conference in Minneapolis. Click here if you would like to join the conversation.



Antique Sandy Point Post Cards

Antique Sandy Point Post Cards

















Ode To Gluten will next appear at the Mill City Museum April 4-22, 2014