Student Nate Brager

Also, I’d like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank you, not just for the things you’ve taught me in class but for the work you’ve done in creating this entire program.  For those of us who are non-traditional students, the opportunity for advancement can be elusive.  Politicians and others often tell us to better ourselves, but few people have been able to offer real opportunities to do that.  You are the exception.


The DLiTE program has given me an opportunity that I wouldn’t have otherwise had, and opened doors I would never have believed could be opened.  I am the first member of my family to attend (much less finish) college, but I don’t plan to be the last.  Indeed, since I began this program, two of my siblings have decided to go back to school, in part because that things like online learning have made education more accessible than ever before.  I really believe that the journey I’ve been on and the perspective it has granted me will help me to be a more effective teacher, someone who can inspire students to realize just how powerful knowledge really is, and to believe betting on themselves is one of the best decisions they will ever make.


I apologize if this email is starting to sound like a Hallmark card, but I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me, and all of us who have come through this program.  It’s true that teachers leave a legacy in the hearts and minds of their students, but I think we can truly say that your legacy extends even further.  You see, many of your students have gone on to become teachers themselves, and to inspire the next generation of learners.  In this way, your impact on the field of education has been multiplied many times over.  For that, I am grateful.


Thank you,


Nate Brager