Speaker Notes

Be self-actualized

Sharing Leadership


Define Leadership

Abilities, Strengths, Answers

Shared, not a solo act

Keeping goal in sight

Leadership from behind

Community outreach

Dream the impossible dream,strategies & goals to achieve them

Dinosaur hunting curriculum- what we are preparing kids for

MaryAnn: Creating a pulse

Symbolic framework

Your truth is one truth, know the language…


Blitz Building – build a timeline, swot, envisioning the future

Meet people where they are

Planning should be messy

Timeline of Art Education

Keep your eye on the goal

In the searching we get the growth

Kerry: Jaguar room of nervous chickens

Students “quiet” is different

Be a trouble maker

Fall forward

Being fearless

Meeting students where they are

Students learn from the way/what we teach as much as what we do not

Quality of curriculum as important as advocacy

Fine Art – Visual Culture connection – broaden your conception of the content of art

Lead about something – have a progressive vision

Structures of curriculum

Laurie: TED project We need to see our children for the hope they are

Make sure troublemakers aren’t squashed

Leadership qualities: how many do you have?

Curriculum as community engagement

What model for what’s next?

How the context affects leadership – modeling

Depth of community helps students become caregivers

Power over/ within …dynamic

Art is connected to all things

Education needs to start with the students’ experience – culturally relevant

Doug: That which is not measurable has not been valuable – tools to measure

Groups with examples and assessment sheets

Strengthen assessments

Creative work on edge of incompetence

School board troublemaker

Not assessing every single thing

Creative students on par with higher I.Q. students – testament to imperfect nature of tests

Art – social structure & economy

Creative flow, thematic integration

Holistic assessment

The most imaginative curriculum can be destroyed by poor (inappropriate) assessment