Social Practice Workshop

Social Practice Art WARM Forum and Workshop

B All PArticipants

October 3,  2015   9:00 AM-12:00 PM  Location:  Walker Library 2880 Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408

Susan seb  Layl and Barb Jill Barb at Workshop

(612) 543-8400  WARM Members are free, non members $10 each .  Members can bring a friend for $5. Credit Card Preferred.  Please register at

Attendees will review a range of Social Practice projects for inspiration. Next, in small groups, participants will identify a social topic and brainstorm a Social Practice project. Development of projects which could be used in the practice of participants will be encouraged.  Please bring laptops and any other resources which might be
useful to the objectives of our workshop!  We welcome attendees from all
disciplines, teachers, scientists, counselors, farmers and others interested in experiencing how art can change the world!

pic armington
Susan Armington’s art and community work deal with connecting across difference, and the role of art-making and sharing stories in bringing deeper understanding of ourselves and of others.  She
creates large-scale maps with community stories in them, and directs the Talking Suitcases™ project in which participants create and share their own story objects and Talking Suitcases about their lives.  Read More:


Barbara Rogers Bridges seeks to empower all people to embrace the creative
process. She makes art from rescued power objects and artist fabricated components
in a variety of media. She organizes the object to create meaning and to provoke
discussion on a wide variety of social topics. These include projects focused on
gluten intolerance and water quality. Barbara is a 40 year teaching veteran.

Read More:

jon liv

Johnathon Liv: Boston Harbor  2014

Claudia Poser
Debra Ripp
Kate Vinson
Shelly Losee
Layl McDill
Kate Vinson
Jill Waterhouse
Marietta Mayberg
Catherine Palmer
Gary Hoover
BArb Kobe

Johnathon Liv was created for the Route One: USA project.
Mixed Media: Adirondack, Seagull, plastic bottles, cigarette packs,
shells, rope
Wollaston Beach in Quincy, MA was a pungent experience when
I stepped from the car.  I saw many people running and playing
and swimming in the water but it smelled of chemicals to my
Maine nose.  I spent quite a bit of time trying to identify and
verify any studies done on the water quality in Boston Harbor.
I did find several federally funded reports which displayed the
raw data which was difficult to analyze with no legend for
acronyms but I I did find the following report
which indicated that the risk for swimmers was from
human waste – not chemical.
part of Found In Our Waters
More Works: LOVE, Take To The Air:

Websites and  Resources for Social Practice:
Unmaking War-Remaking Men  by Kathleen Barry

One Event :
Civil Disobedience!fargo-sandbag-project
Ongoing:Found in Our Waters -Cuba
Found in Our Waters -Route 1 project
Ode To Gluten –
ecovery –
Sunflower Project –
Talking Suitcases:

Planning Worksheet for a Social Practice Project

Healing and Community
The participants will experience a healing process where they will connect with, and become aware of, their feelings and their bodies.
Project:  Make body casts of a part of their body and reflect on their “amputation”. Could be a metaphorical physical, spiritual or emotional.

Urban Sanctuaries

The participants will record how Urban Sanctuaries could provide  sanctuary spiritual emotional and physical by sharing photos of your sanctuary at #urbansanctuariesmn on Instagram.
Ptoject: Photo Contest will produce a poster. Planning Page

FAcebook Photo contest

Recovering Eden- A Place to Gather and Walk
The participants will feel empowered to transform their neighborhood through intentional walking meditation, clubs and creating  art garden hubs.
Project: Blogging, Performances, art making and other community events

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