Conception & Construction
Most of us know someone who was, is, or who we wish were, in RECOVERY. What does that word actually mean when connected to trauma? I chose to use the word RECOVERY because my series is a message of hope.
Your trauma is not terminal.
You are not broken.
You can create your own life raft of hope and resilience with practical strategies.
Art to Change the World’s first event, See. Say. DO., changed the world by using art to deliver a message of hope and serving as a catalyst for positive social change. Workshop participants opened all the cupboards and drawers, considered what they saw and selected an object to keep. They left their reflections and comments in Esperanza’s (Hope’s) backpack.
In my project on Recovery from Trauma, I was joined by team members Marya Hornbacher, an author who is in recovery from addiction, and David Swarthout, a psychotherapist specializing in addiction.
Marya has already influenced my thinking. She indicated when people ask her if she is “in recovery” she responds with strength, contentment, and peace of mind “Today, I’m alright.” I decided to name the work after this insight.
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