Student Ammie Albers
Ammie Albers submits a perfect first lesson…with 2.0!!!
Ammie Albers – Cohort S – Fall 2011
Advocating Anti-Bullying through Pestalozzi’s HHH Method
Prepared for Kindergarteners
Lesson Objectives: The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge about anti-bullying through the completion of personal bracelets and reciting back the meanings of the beads.
Snappy Launch: B is for Bullying and Bullying is Bad
Materials Needed and Preparation:
- Pony Beads – One of each of the following color for each student: Black, Red, Yellow, Green, White, Orange, Blue
- Cord for Bracelets – One for each student: Pre-cut length (wrist to elbow), with one tie 1/3rd of the way down the cord
- Colored Meanings of the Beads – One for each student: Open document “Black is for…” and print one for every four students, in color if you can
- Small Ziploc Bags – One for each student: It will hold the beads, cord, and paper instructions and be seen as a bracelet kit
- A completed bracelet as an example and an extra bracelet kit for demonstration
- Directions on how to make and tie the bracelets
- Access to laptop and Smart Board if using Prezi presentation
- Open with Prezi:
- Start with Bullying: Ask the students what they think Bullying is.
- Move to Head, Heart, Hands: Explain that we’re going to discuss using all three of these things to help and not to hurt others.
- “Hands Are Not for Hitting” video clip: Introduce it and interact with it.
- I Will Poem: Discuss each line and when you arrive at the second part about including, define include.
- “for the Birds” video clip: Point out the bullying and non-inclusion behaviors the little birds are doing to each other and towards the bigger bird.
- Say “No” to Bullying: Encourage the students to not only say “No” to bullies, but also towards bullying feelings within themselves.
- Bracelet Color Meanings: With the completed bracelet either on your wrist, or held in your hand, show each color as you read off each statement from the presentation.
- Leave the Bracelet Color Meanings up on the presentation board so the students have an additional place to look for the meanings and color pattern of the bracelets.
- Ask students to return to their desks and or a workstation to create the bracelets.
- Ask for helpers (from the helper board if there is one) and have them pass out the Ziploc bags to each student.
- Demonstrate placing the beads on the bracelet cord in the proper color order, than allow them to begin.
- While creating bracelets, continue discussing meanings of the colors. Ask them questions about what it means to include others. Include is an important word when discussing bullying.
- As you tie off each bracelet, ask the students while they wait for you to either tie off their bracelet or for everyone to be done, to draw or color a picture about being a friend to someone, on the back of their Bracelet Color Meanings sheet.
- Once everyone is done, have everyone return to the meeting place in the room and go over the colors of the bracelet and the meanings one more time, trying to ask students what the different colors mean to verify retention.
- Have the students clean up and then send Color Meanings sheet home with each student.
- Bullying: To use strength or influence to intimidate/hurt (someone), typically to force them to do what one wants.
- Include: To bring into a group; to make somebody or something part of a group.
Check for Understanding:
- While the students work to create the bracelets, walk around and ask them what the different colors of the bracelet mean.
- If available, have other adults engage in asking questions about what the students learned during the presentation while working with them to make the bracelets.
- Close with a refresher of the colors of the beads and their meanings.
Clean Up:
- Students will discard of extra cords that were snipped off.
- Students will keep, return, or dispose of plastic bags.
- Students will place bracelet meanings in their personal cubby, basket, desk, folder, etc.
Student Assessment: Once all students have completed their bracelets and cleaned up their work area, we will reconvene at the meeting place and discuss what we’ve learned. We’ll talk about the videos, the “I will not” statement, and the meaning of the bracelets.
Estimated Time: 30 Minutes (Give or take a few minutes depending on grade level, number of students who will need one-on-one help assembling bracelets, and number of additional adults to tie bracelets).
Lesson Evaluation: Mrs. Foslien stated that I was very proficient and that she thought I did an excellent job. She commented that I asked questions, had the students actively engaged, defined words clearly, added humor which was very important, and that she couldn’t believe I came up with the sayings for the bracelets on my own. Her two tidbits of advice were to choose the helpers for passing supplies out from a helper board if there is one, instead of “I need three helpers”; and to make sure there is something for the students to do while they wait for their bracelets to be tied off. Overall, she said she was very impressed with my lesson plan and that she would like to see me present it in every classroom in the school.