Johnathon Liv: Boston Harbor 2014
Mixed Media: Adirondak, Seagull, plastic bottles, cigarette packs, shells, rope
Barbara Bridges seeks to empower all people to embrace the creative process. She makes art from artist fabricated components in a variety of media and rescued power objects. She organizes the objects to create meaning and provoke discussions and reflection on a wide variety of social topics including Ode to Gluten (agricultural practices), Onion/Academia Nuts, (Hi Tech/HiTouch in academia) Found In Our Water (water quality), and Talking Chairs (recovery/worldview truths). Invite her to your school.
Johnathon Liv was created for the Route One: USA, part of the Found in Our Waters project.
Our concern for the quality of our water should be an international dialogue. I seek collaborators to stage panel discussions, exhibitions with local artists, student workshops, school visits and adult events around the planet.
Wollaston Beach in Quincy, MA was a pungent experience when I stepped from the car. I saw many people running and playing and swimming in the water but it smelled of chemicals to my Maine nose. I spent quite a bit of time trying to identify and verify any studies done on the water quality in Boston Harbor. I did find several federally funded reports which displayed the raw data which was difficult to analyze with no legend for acronyms but I I did find the following report which indicated that the risk for swimmers was from human waste – not chemical. Click here to review
Found In Our Water WARM (Women’s Art Resources of Minnesota) , Minneapolis, Minnesota
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