Archives for October 2014

Critical Response Jennifer and Danielle 2014

Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process (CRP) is a feedback system based on the principle that the best possible outcome from a response session is for the maker to want to go back to work. Whether returning to the studio, the desk, the kitchen, or the laboratory, CRP gives tools both to people who are making work and people who are responding to that work.

In use for over twenty years, CRP has been embraced by artmakers, educators, scientists, and administrators at theater companies, dance departments, orchestras, science centers, museums, and beyond. The Process has deepened dialogue between makers and audiences; it has enhanced learning between teachers and students. It has proven valuable for all kinds of creative endeavors, work situations, and collaborative relationships within and beyond the arts, from kindergartens to corporations.

In 2012 Liz taught intensives at the University of Georgia, to theater practitioners in both Ireland and Scotland, and with the Blue Touch Paper new-works series of the London Sinfonietta. In 2013 she’ll travel to Australia to teach CRP intensives on both coasts, and return to Scotland and to London for further CRP work.

CRP workshops and intensives can be designed to last anywhere from two hours to four days, depending on the size of the group, the desired amount of work on display, and whether facilitator-training is included. CRP is a process of response, so we need things to respond to: a dance-in-progress, a draft of a paper for a conference, a new lecture that a faculty member wants feedback on. Liz will discuss all of this with you to get an appropriate range.

Led by facilitator, Jill Waterhouse,  Proteges Jennifer and Danielle enjoy their critical response session.

CR 1 CR2

WARM INstall 2



CR Event in 2013  Barbara Bridges

Found in our Water

Fabulous Flotsam

Plato asked the question  “What is beauty?”
Over 2000 years ago.  Has that question been answered?
Certain individuals, embedded in their  own arrogant world view as THE truth, believe they can answer.

Not me.

I, as an artist,  seek the “never before seen”.
I try not to think out side the box, but instead,

LIVE outside the box.  Wedding my concern for the environment with my creative process,

 I present:
Fabulous Flotsam  This series creates charming homes for your body  wear when not being worn. 

Bridges, B Castine Earwear main


Castine, Maine  Earrings  3W” X 4T”,
Mixed Media, Marine gasket, beads, waxed thread


Bridges,B Castine Detail 1


Bridges, b Dynamic Tension mainDynamic Tension
8” W X 4” T,
Mixed Media, Drift wood, glass beads,
Rhine stones, waxed thread, beads

Bridges, B DT Detail 5 peri-b

Bridges, B DT Detail 2 diamond  Bridges, B DT Detail 4 peri  Bridges, B  Dynamic Tension detail 1 oyster