Niche 2016
8″W X 12″ T X 4 ” D
Mixed Media: Found Objects on the streets of Zihua, beads, fabricated icons.
The official definition of “niche” is: a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament. I have found niches seem to hold the same fascination and appeal as do masks. Do they appeal to our compulsion to embrace our childlike wonder? Niche Uno continues to explore my reflections on feminism and specifically on women of power in Mexico. I selected the women I see EVERYWHERE: Frida Kalo and The Lady of Guadalupe . La Mujer Series was created to honor and consider the position of power Frida Kalo and The Lady of Guadalupe hold in Mexican culture. In the United States we refer to the most powerful man in any cultural as “The Man”. In an incredible gender development…I am suggesting that Mexico has “The Lady”. I am just not sure which one is “The Lady” of Mexico. What do you think?
I study culture and have taught human relations in a teacher licensure program for the last 17 years. I am American Indian, from the Penobscot tribe in Maine. La Mujeres Series invites YOU to reflect on why these two women hold such power in Mexico. Which one is THE LADY?
All my works are social practice art and eco-focused- using what other people might regard as trash.
In the collection of Antonio Evangelista Diaz and Natasha Raess at Quinta Camelinas
More Art with Mexican Themes
Tres Mujeres http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/tres-mujeres/
G(g)od(s) http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/ggods/
Vida, Amor, Muerte http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/vida-amormuerte/
Basura y Tesoro http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/basura-and-tesoro/
La Bestia http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/la-bestia/
La Muer Series http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/la-mujer-the-lady-series/
Amour http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/amour/
Beauty http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/beauty/
LAtino/A http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/latinoa/
Sista’ Art http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/zihua-sista-art/
Mascara Uno http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/masacara-de-aguacate-uno/
Mascara Dos http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/masacara-de-aguacate-dos/
Niche http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/niche-uno/