29″ W X 24″ T X 2″ D Mixed media, Rescued rope, wood, sponge, oyster shell
This work was created by rescued objects from Spoil Island 1, inland waterway off Melbourne, Florida.
Spoil Islands are man-made islands created by dredging the inland waterway. This particular island held great memories for my two sailing colleagues-the destination for 20 something boat adventures. Apparently, no one “owns” Spoil Islands which now have 3 year tree growth and have turned into “real” islands. If you are interested in adopting an island CLick Here
Amazingly thick decades old oyster shells made me reflect on how the mussel shells on the Maine islands are twice as thick those I collect on my beach at the mouth of Penobscot Bay.
Read this article quoting a Maine lobster man in the well advertised salty directness in the equally famous new periodical, “The Working Waterfront” .
Found In Our Water WARM (Women’s Art Resources of Minnesota) , Minneapolis, Minnesota