Basura and Tesoro 2016
Trash and Treasure
18″ W X 16″ T X 2″ D
Mixed Media: Found Objects from the streets of Zihua, Oyster shell, wood, crushed soda bottle, cast resin jaguars, beads, brash findings, pearls, bronze cross.
This work is a particular favorite of mine because of the pattern which emerged when the crushed bottle was stained with silicone. As we all know, the harm done to our planet from plastic products is profound- in the making, the using and the disposal of. Make trash into art!! One of the reasons I chose Zihuatenjo (I spent a month in my three favorite places in 2015 -Oaxaca and Merida being the others) was the concern given to the cleanliness of the streets. Zihua is really doing a very good job in this area.
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Basura y Tesoro http://bridgescreate.com/artwork/basura-and-tesoro/
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