Attitude Toward Difference Survey: The Riddle Scale

Put a check next to each statement with which you agree. Bracket the 2-3 consecutive statements that reflect your current range of thinking about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
q 1. Homosexuality is unnatural and immoral. LGBT people are emotionally or psychologically ill.
q 2. LGBT people should participate in reparative therapy or any other treatment available to help
them change their sexual orientation.
q 3. We should have compassion for LGBT people. They can’t be blamed for how they were born.
q 4. LGBT people didn’t choose to be the way they are. If they could somehow become
heterosexual, they would surely do so.
q 5. Homosexuality is a phase that many people go through and most grow out of.
q 6. LGBT people need our support and guidance as they wrestle with the many difficult issues
associated with their lifestyle.
q 7. I have no problem with LGBT people, but see no need for them to flaunt their sexual orientation publicly.
q 8. What LGBT people do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business.
q 9. LGBT people deserve the same rights and privileges as everybody else.
q 10. Homophobia is wrong. Society needs to take a stand against anti-LGBT bias.
q 11. It takes strength and courage for LGBT people to be themselves in today’s world.
q 12. It is important for me to examine my own attitudes so that I can actively support the struggle for equality that LGBT people have undertaken.
q 13. There is great value in our human diversity. LGBT people are an important part of that diversity.
q 14. It is important for me to stand up to those who demonstrate homophobic attitudes.
q 15. LGBT people are an indispensable part of our society. They have contributed much to our world and there is much to be learned from their experiences.
q 16. I would be proud to be part of an LGBT organization, and to openly advocate for the full and
equal inclusion of LGBT people at all levels of our society.