Appropriate Conduct on Discussion  Boards

 As with any new community, you need to learn the cultural rules and language!

1.  Review the Calendar every  Sunday. Teachable Moments Emerge!

2. Review  all  the open Content Modules on the First Day of class.

3. Read every  message on the "Messages FROM  Dr. B" topic.

4.  Important Questions for Dr. B. If you have general questions - ask them on the "Important Questions for Dr.B" topic.Please  do not  post " Me, too" under another person's question on that Topic.Please do not  answer questions posted to to the professor on "Important Questions for Dr. B. I know you mean well but it leads to confusion.

5. If you have a personal question... asking about your grade, for example. Please DO ask it privately on the pager. 

6. Please Do not  join negative gossip circles.  If you have an issue approach the professor or your classmate privately and directly.  Do NOT speak for others, please!  Negative gossip circles are unprofessional, energy vampires, are petty and dysfunctional in the K12 teacher's room and worse here. Denigrating the curriculum and the teacher effects the learning community for everyone. join THE PEDL FACEBOOK. DO NOT MAKE A COHORT FACEBOOK.

7.Discussion Board. Please post in the body of the email. Do not attach unless you have pictures, charts or graphs! This is the teacher modeling how every 30-45 seconds count.  That is the time it takes me to deal with an attachment!  Multiply times 30 students times three classes.

NOW - add the 10 seconds it takes ALL OF US to open an " I agree with you, Johnny" (make sure to add in the minus point I have to record on my grade sheet ; / 0  )Teachers must guard their seconds, which turn into minutes, which turn into hours... well,  you get the picture, correct? 

8. Do take a risk and try to solve the learning puzzles I give you with creativity!

9. Do seize control of your own learning and find your own answers! Use common sense

10. Do check your Bemidji e mail!

11. Doopen the blinking green light up on the right. It is an instant message (the pager).

12. Do take a risk and solve problems I  have created using critical and creative thinking stratigies!

13. DO believe I am your advocate.

Read and Heed:

1. The purpose of the discussion and chat is to enhance communication and learning, and to focus on our teacher training objectives. Conduct yourself as you would in class, stay on topic. 

 2. Please see “Good Citizenship Model” for important rules of conduct in a virtual community.

 3. Expression in Email Language: CAPITAL letters indicate you are screaming. Please do not scream in virtual class. As we have discovered, virtual communication is devoid of body language.


Mood Symbols

:) happy

;) winking

B) wearing sunglasses

:'-(  crying

:( sad

:0 shocked

\8(  angry

:D very happy

;/ chagrined

@}------------------> a rose

*( black eye

:> happy

:I munch munch

:* kiss

=) sight for sore eyes

=:) overjoyed


Dictionary of Internet Acronyms:

AFAIC: As Far As I Am Concerned

AKA: Also Known As

AFK: Away From Keyboard

ANFSCD: And Now For Something Completely Different

ASAP: As Soon As Possible B4: Before BRB: Be Right Back

BTW: By The Way CU: See You (goodbye)

CUL8TR or L8R: See You Later or Later

FAQ: Frequently Asked Question

FAQL: Frequently Asked Question List

FTASB: Faster Than A Speeding Bullet

FYI: For Your Information

HTH: Hope This Helps

IMAO: In My Arrogant Opinion

IMHO: In My humble Opinion

IMNSHO: In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO: In My Opinion

I1M: In 1 Minute IDK: I Don't Know

IOW: In Other Words

IRL: In Real Life

LIU: Look It Up

LOL: Laughing Out Loud

NA: Not Acceptable or Not Applicable

NTK: Nice To Know

OTOH: On The Other Hand

PS: PostScript

POV: Point Of View

RFC: Request For Comments

RFD: Request For Discussion

RFI: Request For Information

ROFL: Rolling On Floor Laughing

THX: Thanks

WRT: With respect To

WT: Without Thinking


WRT: With respect To

WT: Without Thinking