50%   Participate in the CALM Discussion.  This is not the place to complain "This is hard." "This is too much work".  We are meeting state standards.  There is no way to memorize curriculum and regurgitate back a different way of seeing the marginalized.  We are leading each other to our own "Aha".  This exercize is a model for staying CALM in your life beyond this class and as a potential startegy in your own classroom.  How could you modify this for students?

50% plan for CALM

C.A.L.M. Down in FasTrack and DLiTE    Prepared by TA Babcock

1.    Week 3 Please watch for anxiety producing events as it relates to our on-line experience.  It might be reading this initial assignment framework, ordering books, getting your schedule set, getting the computer to work, first on-line contact from a professor, or TA.  Keep the discussion to class related tasks.  Report out to the discussion board in a single post; who, what and when of the situation.  Please also list the niggling fear that you think is driving the anxiousness.  In your post tell us how you used the C.A.L.M. method to deal with this fear.  Respond to your peers, making appropriate connections around common anxiety producing themes.  I will compile a list of the common events that seem to trigger anxiety in our particular class.  I will also compile a list of common ways that we are using to deal with these events.

Write out your own C.A.L.M. plan on the board (no attachments, please).  Do not discuss with others in this space.  Please print out a copy of the post and place in your school workspace where you can grab it easily!

2.   Please remember to be kind and tolerant of one another as we practice on-line C.A.L.M.

Future teachers are no different from anyone, we communicate best when free of anxiety.  When free of FEAR (F.uture E.vents A.ppearing R.eal) we are able to engage in exchanges that help all of us succeed.  If anxiety is left unattended, this state can actually cause us to lose touch with their rationale self.  Our non-rational (lizard), or mid brain will then take over and we will react in a variety of ways that we may regret later. 



C – I connect to consciousness.  I take a time out and reflect on the negative impact of my anxiety on myself and what I am about to do from a communication standpoint.  If I know that I need to speak with one of my professors and find myself filled with unreasonable fear, I need to stop until       I have completed this task.  KEEP YOUR GOAL IN SIGHT:  Teacher Licensure!

 A – I alleviate anxiety.  Take an action that will relieve stress. Take a walk, eat some protein, visit with your dog, whatever it takes to take the intensity out of the stressful moment.  This might take a while, be patient.  Once feeling less anxious, move forward.

L – I consider the logical liabilities of actions I intend to take now that I am feeling less afraid.  I think through what I need to take care of next.  Typical student anxiety is based on an issue I am avoiding, so quit avoiding with the next courageous step.

M – I motivate and move on by taking action.  This usually means apply one of three social skills in the on-line environment to take care of the problem (think growth opportunity). It will not go away if you ignore the problem. Three social skills; Active Listening, Asking a Question andGiving Feedback


Student WOWS


Cassandra Jankord Jan 23, 2013 10:58 PM 


Over the course of the program this is the C.A.L.M. plan that I will keep in mind

C is for Connect to Consciousness

  • Succeed in the program
  • Build a good foundation for my career
  • Stay motivated
  • Stay on schedule

A is for Alleviate Anxiety

  • Take a break when I need to
  • Relax with a hobby
  • Get up and do some chores
  • Spend time with family and friends
  • Watch TV or a movie
  • Read for pleasure for a while
  • Keep an accurate schedule
  • Have a leisurely meal

L is for Logical Liabilities

  • Don’t watch TV at the same time as I am trying to work
  • Do things sooner rather than later
  • Talk to my classmates, mentor, TAs, and teachers if I need help or advice
  • Talk to friends or family if I need help or advice
  • Maintain good study habits

M is for Motivate and Move On

  • Do the parts that give me energy first
  • Be a part of and enjoy the conversation
  • Saturday and Sunday do all my readings
  • Monday through Thursday partake in the discussion boards/do assignments
  • Friday take quizzes
  • Remind myself: “I can do this!”


Katherine Carpenter Jan 22, 2013 11:41 PM 


C.- Connect to consciousness

* Compartmentalize your demands

* Complete what is in front of you

* Coordinate your work/school/homelife

* Create the end result with imagery of you completing tasks

A- Alleviate anxiety

* Always remember to slow down

* Arrange your thoughts in the order you see getting your work done

* Airway- use it... BREATHE

* Allow for breaks, they are necessary

L.- Logical liabilities

* Look at what needs to be done

* Linger over your thoughts before you put them to paper

* Listen to your peers opinions

* Leverage is a way to tell yourself you can accomplish each assignment

M. Motivate/Move on

* Make progess

* Mental strength

* Migrate to your happy place when need be

* Master your strategy



Nathaniel Fryckman Jan 22, 2013 6:44 PM 


I assume this is where we pose our C.A.L.M. plan so here goes:

C= Connect to consciousness

At this stage it’s all about take a moment to think, gather your thoughts and say “Okay, what is going on?” What I will do at this point is stop and:

  • Take a break
  • Not sweat the small stuff
  • And, most importantly, make sure that I’ve had sleep (since I have insomnia this is a big issue)

A= Alleviate Anxiety

This is the point where you collect yourself and do a few things that can stop you from freaking out like:

  • Read a book for fun not for class
  • Play with Zen (my dog)
  • Take my anxiety medications
  • If I can, take a nap
  • Or talk with my grandpa about politics.

C=Consider the Logical Liabilities

This is when you list all the things you have to do in a logical order in order to help you for the next step, but that will also make things more manageable. What I can do here is:

  • Make a list of things to do from smallest/easiest to biggest/hardest
  • Break down large assignments to smaller more manageable tidbits (especially readings)
  • Remember that this is my DREAM and that “I can do it” no matter what


M=Motivate and Move on

This is the final stage, the one where you look at what you’ve done, breathe, then tackle that work and get some things done. This is when I will:

  • Make sure to post at least 3 times per day (in each class)
  • Do one large assignment a day (or most of one if especially large)
  • Switch things up so that my ADHD doesn’t cause a problem
  • And finally, do quality work that will not stress me out as to if it is good or not


Foundations Fall 2012
Veronica synthesizes:
Here are a few words of wisdom from you:

“Sleep, I have to sleep.”

“Stop and identify my fear”

“Step away and clear my head”

“Get and stay organized”

“Rely on cohort for support”

“Talk to my mentor”

“Make lists of what needs to be done and cross of finished projects”

“Call husband/friend/family member on phone”

“Plan time into each week to do a little work on the bigger assignments that are coming up”

“Just take it bird by bird”

“I stop thinking about it and move on”

“Check email and postings every day”

“Think before speaking, especially to family; it is not their fault I am stressed”

“I will ask a question when I am unsure of something”

“Start over with a fresh head and motivated energy”

“Take time to run, walk, play, hydrate, eat healthy, step away from the computer, do yoga and spend time with family”….the list goes on.

 I wish you the best this semester and have learned from your wisdom as well. Thank you again for taking this assignment and tailoring it to your needs.