Student Reflections and Curriculum Ideas
Synhaivsky![]() |
Avatar Review
Surface Plot The plot of this futuristic story involves a
crippled marine who is flown to an earth-base on another planet so that
he can operate the avatar (a body "shell" without
thinking/williing/motivating capactiy) of an indigenous alien which was
aligned with his deceased scientist brother's DNA. The marine ends up
by becoming assimilated into the alien culture, and attempts to thwart
the earth-base's designs to excavate a pricelss natural resource from
the planet, which is highly prized on earth.
Metaphor Plot : Human Level The story of one man's
acceptance by a culture, and by the woman who comes to love him. His
ambiguity between his responsibility to the culture which brought him,
and which provided the technological know-how for him to infiltrate an
alien culture, and the spiritual/intellectual affinity he comes to feel
for his adoptive culture. Symbolic Level The name of the planet,
"Pandora", symbolizes the unknown treasure box which the mythological
Pandora is forbidden to open. In the myth, Pandora does not listen, and
when she opens the box, she lets out Evil into an up-to-then utopian
world of only Good. This parallels both the earth culture and the alien
culture. The earth culture "opens up" the box of the Navi's world by
letting in a person who plumbs the reality of that culture deeper than
any previous infiltrator, thus letting out the "evil" of his role as a
manipulator (of the Navi) and traitor (of the earth base). The alien
culture "opens up" the box of establishing a trusting relationship with
the infiltrator, thus letting out the "evil" of having the princess fall
in love with an outsider who may ultimately betray the interests of the
people, and of having the infiltrator use his knowledge of the ways of
the people to his own advantage. Social Level An examination of
issues of imperialism, territorial rights, social dominance, social
subjugation, military directives, scientific directives, and human
ethical responsibility. Of particular interest to this class, was the
presentation of all five of James Banks' social paradignms (SMASH),
which were demonstrated in:
Setting The setting is a lush, pre-historic forest. I believe
it is a metaphor for "unspoilt nature", or a type of paradise which many
cultures believe preceded the corruption brought about by man's ascent
in the hierarchy of living creatures. There are many recurring
instances of this fantasy, from the 1980's movie Blue Lagoon, to
the 19th century French novel Paul et Virginie, to the Golden Age
of classical mythology, to the Garden of Eden of the Old Testament.
Techniques The film score was a fully -orchestrated, heavy, John
Williams-type orchestration, with lots of brass in the climactic
scenes, and sudden modulations in pivotal scenes. The idea of a
human-like species living with tamed dinosuars was taken part and parcel
from James Gurney's Dinotopia (Atlanta, Turner Publishing, 1992,
ISBN 1-878685-23-6, Even the name, Tok malik,
is a combination of Malik, the timekeeper, and Tok Timbu,
the "chief craftsman in metals". The young hero of Dinotopia also
meets a girl who lives in harmony with nature. "Melanie has re-awakened
in me the love of Nature, the joy of knowledge gained in carefree
wanderings out-of-doors".
Relevance The message of this movie connects to the target
audience by combining the powerful medium of film with the non-stop
action of video games. is is really not necessary to have any "deeper"
understanding of the film in order to walk away thinking that one got
good entertainment for $10.50.
Although the movie might appear to be anti-American military/economic
establishment, we discussed afterwards that the hero's, Jake's, superior
qualities were also those which are associated with the U.S. Marines,
so there is no one-sided political message. (Jake could just as easily
have been cast as a black man, as white, in which case Mr. Meade could
have spent his article vituperating about the racism of having only a black
man being able to understand an essentially primitive species.) I also
don't think that it was obvious that "unatanium" was somehow evil
in-and-of-itself just because the earth-base went about its excavation
in such a de-humanizing way: as someone pointed out at the discussion,
for all we know, unatanium was being used to save lives on earth.
Major "Take-Away" Message
Provocative questions for student viewers
P.S. I am buying a digital TV tonight...
Scholtes![]() |
This activity was a good challenge for me, because it required looking for what might be useful (to me as a teacher) in a film I didn't like all that much. This involves a certain objectivity that will come in handy: I might not like the latest rap song many students are listening to, but if I can find something teachable in it, I'll use it. If nearly everyone has seen a movie, then the opportunity for examples, metaphors, and discussion-starters is too good to pass up. Below are the questions I'd ask, with learning objectives in parentheses. Some of my questions reflect my issues with the story itself. My biggest problem with the film (besides its indifference to character, talk, pacing, and even that dragon Jake abandons) is that it strains to be a metaphor for real-world imperialism, but then violates that metaphor in either of two ways, depending on how you look at it: If it's about the past, it rewrites history with a happy ending. If it's about the future, it advocates violent resistance with the help of God or the Internet. Since that kind of violence isn't part of most people's experience, and would be suicidal if it were, the movie feels like an idle video-game revenge fantasy. That's not something I feel comfortable "teaching" in the sense I would explore the life lessons behind, say, the 1976 original The Bad News Bears (swear words and all), where students can apply things the characters learn to their own lives.* But I do love what came through of Zoe Saldana's personality in her Na'vi character, the dragon scenes, and a few other moments, and Avatar is a rewarding reference because of its ubiquity. So here's what I would use: Questions and topics for discussion (with learning objectives in parentheses): 1. What real-world figures could the Na'vi represent? What words does "Na'vi" sound like? What do you think the significance was that the company soldiers had recently fought in Nigeria? (Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of metaphors and how they function in fiction. Also, the student will demonstrate knowledge of various concepts learned in social studies. Connect film metaphors to "natives" of all kinds, indigenous populations, natural resources, oil mercenaries in Nigeria, the idea of "going native," Native Americans, Navaho, nature, the color navy blue and its associations, the U.S. Navy, green as the green life on earth, plants and trees, sea creatures and animals, the green movement, Greenpeace, the Green party, deep ecology, the expression "true blue," "blue-blooded," the boys in blue, blue uniforms, red/white/blue, etc.) 2. What does the company represent? (Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of metaphors and how they function in fiction. Also, the student will demonstrate knowledge of various concepts learned in social studies, including imperialism and mercenaries. Imperialism of British empire in India, various European powers in Africa, Japan in Asia, Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, United States in Central America and the Caribbean and elsewhere, various kinds of economic, military, and political imperialism in the postcolonial age, and the post-communist era.) 3. Why do you think the filmmakers had Jake succeed and lead the Na'vi to victory, rather than have one of the Na'vi's own become the hero? Why do the Na'vi ultimately accept him in his human form? Why do you think the storytellers make that choice? Can you think of any other stories, real or imagined, when a person working for the more powerful side in a conflict switches sides to become a hero of the less powerful side? Is that person a traitor or a hero? (Objectives: The student will demonstrate thinking about authorial intent and narrative comprehension. The student will show higher-level thinking by judging this intent, and demonstrate knowledge of metaphorical thinking. The student will apply the concepts of traitor and hero to various situations and synthesize.) 4. What do you think the film has to say about pretending to be someone you're not? Does it endorse this idea? Did it emphasize the dangers? What is the film's idea about what identity is? Is it the body you're born with and the mission you start out with? How did Jake function as a Na'vi? What is "connectedness" and how do you connect with things every day? (See above, except applying concept of pretending to be someone else, identity, mission, function, connectedness.) 5. How do the Na'vi ultimately succeed? Does this scenario apply to the real-world situations? Why or why not? Why did Ghandi lead a nonviolent revolution as opposed to a violent one to oust the British? (Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of metaphors and how they function in fiction. Also, the student will demonstrate knowledge of various concepts learned in social studies. See above.)
____________________________________________________________________________ *In fact, my problem with most G-, PG-, and PG-13-rated movies that have come out in the lifetime of our students isn't just that they can't tell a story, or insult the intelligence of viewers, but that they're actually mindless in a destructive way. The ratings system is pretty meaningless for parents on this score: Why can 13-year-olds see Avatar without parents but not Shaun of the Dead, which has something to say about friendship, and where the violence is so cartoon that it doesn't feel the least bit malicious? The number of good PG-13 films from the past decade with "teachable" ideas is pretty slim: Personally, I'd include Cast Away, About a Boy, Hotel Rwanda, and The Bourne Identity, whose ideas about violence and revenge are a lot more interesting, even when it comes to myths about ourselves, than Avatar's. I'd love to compile a longer list with other teachers! |