Attitudes Toward Difference Survey Scoring Guide
Find the numbers below that correspond to the bracketed range on your survey. Read the attitude and characteristics that encompass this range. According to the Attitudes Toward Difference Scale
developed by psychologist Dorothy Riddle, this is where you stand with regard to lesbian, gay, bisexual  and transgender (LGBT) people.

Range Attitude Characteristics
1-2 Repulsion LGBT people are strange, sick, crazy and aversive.
3-4 Pity LGBT people are somehow born that way and it is pitiful.
5-6 Tolerance Life for LGBT people is hard; anti-gay attitudes just make things worse.
7-8 Acceptance Homosexuality is a fact of life that should neither be punished nor
9-10 Support The rights of LGBT people should be protected and safeguarded.
11-12 Admiration Being LGBT in our society takes strength.
13-14 Appreciation There is value in diversity. Homophobic attitudes should be confronted.
15-16 Nurturance LGBT people are an indispensable part of society.

Your Rating:
1-4 Your personal feelings may be preventing you from accepting and respecting LGBT people.
5-8 You are somewhat accepting, but may not be willing to actively work against anti-LGBT bias.
9-12 You are willing to provide support and work toward equal rights for LGBT people.
13-16 You are able to fully embrace LGBT people as equal and valuable members of the community.

Food for Thought:
·  Are your attitudes toward LGBT people based upon experience or preconceptions?
·  Are you as accepting of LGBT people as you are of people from different racial, ethnic or religious
backgrounds? Why or why not?
·  Have you ever had an LGBT friend? How might your attitudes help or hinder you from being an
ally for LGBT people?
·  What can you do educate yourself about LGBT issues and improve your attitude with regard to
LGBT people?

Adapted from: Riddle, D. (1985). “Homophobia Scale.” In Opening Doors to Understanding and Acceptance.
ed. K. Obear and A. Reynolds. Boston: Unpublished essay.